Vocals, Step Dance
Màiri’s love of the Gaelic language was sparked at the age of five, and it has shaped a journey from her hometown of Edinburgh to the Hebrides, Ireland, and now to Nova Scotia where she teaches Gaelic at St. Francis Xavier University. A talented singer, step dancer and harpist, Màiri is in demand as a tutor for camps and workshops in Scotland, Canada and the US.
In addition to Fàrsan, Màiri is a member of Scottish four-piece Gaelic trad group, Huradal, and has performed at Blas Festival, Edinburgh Trad Fest and KitchenFest!, Cape Breton. She has shared the stage with renowned traditional musicians such as Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas, Mary Jane Lamond, Moira Smiley, Charlie McKerron (Capercaillie), Adam Sutherland (Peatbog Faeries) and Ciarán Ó Maonaigh & Caitlín Nic Gabhann.
Not only has she provided us with the majority of our repertoire from her vast knowledge of Gaelic song, this lady has powered the band on the road and in the studio with more than one loaf of her award-winning banana bread!